Adsorption and desorption

Advanced solutions for NOx emissions

Inspired by Nature, we have learned to leverage the principles of adsorption and desorption to develop cutting-edge solutions for NOx emissions capture and valorisation. 

Our advanced technologies are designed to effectively bind and release nitrogen oxides, transforming harmful pollutants into valuable resources.
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Understanding adsorption and desorption


This is the process by which NOx molecules adhere to the surface of adsorber materials. Our advanced adsorber drums are designed to bind NOx efficiently, capturing it from industrial emissions.


This process involves releasing the adsorbed NOx from the adsorber material, allowing it to be transformed into useful by-products. Our technology ensures that desorption is controlled and efficient, enabling the continuous use of adsorber materials.


We use zeolites as our primary adsorber material due to their high surface area, thermal stability, and selective adsorption properties. Zeolites’ porous structure allows them to efficiently capture NOx molecules, making them ideal for our processes. Their durability and reusability also make them a sustainable choice for industrial applications.

Application in NOx capture and valorisation

NOx Capture: 
Our adsorption technology is highly effective in capturing NOx emissions from various sources, including old engines, industrial processes, and power generation.

The desorption process allows us to convert captured NOx into valuable by-products such as nitric acid and fertilisers. This not only reduces environmental impact but also creates new revenue streams for our clients.
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Benefits of Our Technology

Our advanced adsorption and desorption technologies offer a range of significant benefits for industries aiming to reduce NOx emissions, going beyond simple emission capture and providing comprehensive value in terms of compliance, efficiency, health, and sustainability.

Regulatory compliance:

Our solutions are designed to meet and exceed stringent environmental regulations across various industries. By effectively capturing NOx emissions and transforming them into valuable by-products, we ensure your operations remain fully compliant with local and international standards. This helps avoid costly penalties while maintaining a responsible corporate image.

Operational efficiency:

We focus on integrating our adsorption technologies seamlessly into existing processes, minimizing disruption while maximizing emission reduction. Our systems enhance overall operational efficiency by optimising energy use during both the capture and desorption phases. This not only improves the environmental footprint but also enhances the operational capacity of your facilities by reducing downtime and energy costs.

Health & safety:

Improving air quality is one of the direct benefits of our NOx capture technology. By removing harmful gases from the working environment, we significantly reduce health risks to employees. Cleaner air not only protects workers but also helps industries meet health and safety regulations, creating a safer, more compliant workplace.


Our technology supports the circular economy by converting captured NOx emissions into valuable resources such as nitric acid and fertilisers. Instead of treating emissions as waste, we turn them into profitable by-products that can be reintegrated into the production cycle or sold on the market. This valorisation process reduces environmental waste and promotes the efficient use of resources, contributing to long-term sustainability and business growth.

In essence, our technology provides a holistic solution that goes beyond emission control, driving sustainability, improving workplace safety, and delivering operational gains. Our focus on multi-gas capture ensures that we offer scalable, future-proof technologies that not only solve today’s problems but also position industries for a more sustainable tomorrow.

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Industry applications

Oil Extraction

Efficient NOx capture from old engines, ensuring compliance and protecting health.

Metal Ore Mining

Adsorption materials capture NOx from heap leaching, promoting environmental compliance.

Power Generation

Regenerative adsorber technology reduces NOx emissions from combustion processes.

Chemical Manufacturing

Custom adsorbers manage complex emissions, enhancing plant safety and compliance.

All our applications by industry sectors

Our expertise

Our team of experts combines extensive experience in engineering, chemistry, and environmental science to develop tailored solutions for each client. We are dedicated to advancing our technologies and providing exceptional service to help our clients achieve their environmental and operational goals.

Partner with us to harness the power of adsorption and desorption for effective NOx emissions management. 

Contact us today to learn more about our innovative solutions and how we can help you achieve sustainability and compliance.
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