We understand that choosing the right solutions for your business can be a complex and challenging process, which is why we have compiled this resource to help you make informed decisions. If you don't find the answer you're looking for here, please don't hesitate to contact us directly for more information

Krajete GmbH

Who is Krajete GmbH ?
Krajete GmbH is a leading company specialising in advanced gas purification technologies, focusing on NOx and CO2 emissions control and valorisation as well as a pioneer in biomethanation processes.
Which services does Krajete GmbH offer ?
We offer comprehensive gas emissions solutions, including NOx removal, CO2 capture, and emissions conversion across various industries.
Which industries does Krajete GmbH serve ?
We serve a wide range of industries, including oil & gas, mining, power generation, chemical manufacturing, automotive, metal manufacturing, shipping & transportation and more.
What makes Krajete GmbH unique ?
Our holistic approach to emissions control, inspired by natural processes, and our ability to transform harmful gases into valuable by-products set us apart.

How does Krajete GmbH contribute to environmental sustainability ?
We support the circular economy by converting emissions into useful products, reducing waste, and promoting efficient resource use.
What is multi-gas capture technology ?
Multi-gas capture technology refers to our capability to simultaneously capture and valorise a variety of harmful gases, including NOx, SOx, and CO2.
How does Krajete GmbH ensure regulatory compliance ?
Our advanced technologies are designed to meet and exceed stringent environmental regulations, helping clients avoid penalties and maintain compliance.
What are the benefits of emissions valorisation ?
Emissions valorisation transforms harmful gases into valuable resources, creating new revenue streams for our customers and supporting sustainable practices.
What is the process for implementing Krajete's solutions ?
We follow a comprehensive three-step approach: Sampling and analysis, Feasibility and engineering, finalised by Development and deployment.
How can Krajete's solutions improve operational efficiency ?
By integrating our advanced gas purification technologies, businesses can enhance their operational efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve overall sustainability.
Can Krajete GmbH's technologies be integrated into existing systems ?
Yes, our solutions are designed to be adaptable and can be seamlessly integrated into existing industrial processes and emission control systems.
What kind of support does Krajete GmbH offer after implementation ?
We provide ongoing operational support and monitoring to ensure the continuous performance and effectiveness of our solutions.
How does Krajete GmbH approach innovation ? 
We are committed to continuous innovation, drawing inspiration from natural processes to develop cutting-edge technologies for emissions control and valorisation.
What is Krajete GmbH’s mission ?
Our mission is to achieve total emission capture, turning pollutants into valuable resources and supporting a multi-circular economy for a cleaner, healthier environment.
How can I get in touch with Krajete GmbH for more information ?
You can contact us via our website, phone, or email. We are ready to provide detailed insights and tailored solutions for your specific needs.


What is NOx and why is it harmful ?
NOx (nitrogen oxides) are harmful pollutants emitted from various industrial processes and vehicles, contributing to air pollution, respiratory issues, and environmental degradation.
How does Krajete capture NOx emissions ?
We use an advanced adsorber technology that binds NOx in a reversible manner, effectively capturing and removing these harmful gases from industrial emissions.
Which industries can benefit from your NOx capture solutions ?
Industries including oil extraction, metal ore mining, ship transportation, power generation, chemical manufacturing, automotive, and more can benefit from our tailored NOx capture solutions.
What are the benefits of using Krajete's NOx capture technology ?
Our technology ensures regulatory compliance, enhances operational efficiency, improves air quality, and supports the circular economy by converting NOx into valuable by-products.
Can NOx emissions be converted into useful products ?
Yes, captured NOx can be transformed into valuable resources such as nitric acid, fertilisers and more, supporting a circular economy.
How does NOx capture technology support the circular economy ?
By converting harmful NOx emissions into useful by-products, we reduce waste and promote the efficient use of resources, aligning with circular economy principles.
Is Krajete's NOx capture technology suitable for high-emission industries ?
Absolutely. Our technology is designed to effectively handle high NOx emissions, making it ideal for industries like power generation and metal manufacturing.

How does Krajete's technology ensure compliance with environmental regulations ?
Our NOx capture solutions are designed to meet and exceed stringent environmental standards, helping industries comply with regulations and avoid penalties.
What makes Krajete's NOx capture technology unique ?
Our approach is inspired by natural processes, using advanced adsorber materials like zeolites, which are efficient, cost-effective, and capable of transforming NOx into valuable products.
How does NOx capture technology improve workers' health and safety ?
By removing harmful NOx emissions, our technology improves air quality, creating a safer working environment for employees.
What are the operational costs associated with NOx capture technology ?
Our technology is designed to be cost-effective, with minimal additional operational costs whilst generating potential revenue from by-products,  offsetting expenses.
Can Krajete's NOx capture technology be integrated into existing systems ?
Yes, our solutions are adaptable and can be seamlessly integrated into existing industrial processes and emission control systems.
What are some examples of successful NOx capture implementations ?
We have successfully implemented NOx capture solutions in various industries, including automotive, oil extraction, metal ore mining, and power generation, demonstrating significant emission reductions and compliance.
How does Krajete's NOx capture technology compare to alternative solutions ?
Unlike traditional SCR systems that use urea or ammonia, our technology offers a more sustainable and efficient approach with fewer downsides and additional benefits.
How can I learn more about Krajete's NOx capture technology ?
For more information or to schedule a consultation, please contact us directly. Our team is ready to provide detailed insights and tailored solutions for your specific needs.


Why are you removing CO2 ?

CO2, carbon dioxide, is an inevitable byproduct of combustion. It appears everywhere, even we humans and animals exhale CO2, not to speak about industrial processes that emit kilotons per year.

CO2 has become a global issue, threatening the existence of our species. It is a potent greenhouse gas, warming the climate and therefore messing up ecobalances that were established over thousands of years.
We therefore need technologies that contribute to lowering the CO2 amount in the atmosphere. Our mild, adsorptive approach can contribute to CO2 mitigation.

Which technical approach do you have ?
We use a mild, so called adsorber based approach with robust inorganic materials that can be loaded with high amounts of CO2. Once loaded and full with CO2, the adsorber needs little elevated temperature to desorb CO2 and some moisture.
Why do you think your CO2 removal technology outperforms other approaches ?
Our CO2 based technology has been developed with inspiration from Nature with robust materials and small temperature amplitudes between loading and regeneration. Our energy waste is low, cost of CO2 removal is therefore attractive.
 Where do you place your CO2 removal units ?
Our CO2 removal units operate based between 400 and 10 000 ppm CO2 inlet concentration. They can be used for air but also, and even better, for diluted exhaust gases.
What is the maximum capacity of your CO2 plant ?
Our biggest CO2 plant can remove up to 1000 tons of CO2 per year.
How many CO2 plants have you built so far ?
We have 2 pilot units, one for 50 t/a and another one for 1000 t/a, both developed and financed in cooperation with Audi.
What is CO2 capturing cost per ton ?
At electricity prices of 5 EUR Cent/kWh, our CO2 removal cost is in the range of 150 to 200 EUR incl. CAPEX. Depreciation period is 10 years.
What do you make from CO2 ?
We do not target highest purity CO2 intentionally; therefore we aim at applications that can handle the purity range 10 to 90 % CO2. Typical applications are greenhouses and chemical, inorganic intermediate materials but also methane as a chemical building block for chemical industry.


What are the process strengths?

Our biggest assets are robustness towards impurities and poisons and intermittent operation. We manage to to produce methane of natural gas quality under intermittent, frequently changing feed composition switching between extremes (“gas in”, max. feed flow and “gas off”/0 feed) within minutes.

Our response from zero feed to full operational load is in the range of several minutes (see Fig. 1).

During stand-by no energy is needed (no heat, no stirring, no pumps) which minimizes operating cost (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Intermittency of Krajete® Process with instant methane production and no energy consumption during transition periods in stand-by (follow the blue curve, H2, which symbolizes electrolytic H2 and therefore stored electricity and compare to black curve (methane production).
Our process is simple, robust, highly economical, selective and it highly responsive to fast operational changes. Our process is tailored to the storage of excess electricity.

Our process is therefore tailored for all applications that need intermittend operation. It combines a fast response to changing feed conditions while minimizing energy consumption in periods of transition where little/no methane is produced. It is ideally suited for instant storage of electricity as methane.

Our process can extract and convert H2 and CO2 from gas mixtures in presence of other gas components (inerts, poisons, impurities; see application 2) without gas separation and without gas purification. This massively reduces process complexity.

"Intermittency" and "selectivity" can be combined in a "power to gas“"scenario with industrially available CO2 (application 3).

What is the product purity?
Our goal is to convert CO2 and H2 based feed gas into a product using a single step approach. This implies that all feed gas is converted to methane. We reach > 95 vol. % methane purity. In case higher purity level are needed, a simple and economically attractive purification step would be necessary.

This high product purity differentiates our process from others.
What do you provide microorganisms as nutrients?
Nutrients are usually components similar to fertilizer ingredients. They are simple, cheap and available in large scale. Price is stable, there are no supply shortages nor price fluctuations like in rare earth metal markets.
Which CO2 sources can be used?
Our process can directly convert a big variety of CO2 sources. This is one of the main advantages we offer. We have already successfully demonstrated the feasibility of our process with different industrial (real) gas sources through on site feed sampling.

Our CO2 sources are:
Combustion gas based on petrol, Diesel as fuel
Syngas from steel industry
Syngas from waste incineration
Raw biogas
Purified biogas
CO2 from biogas

In 90 % of all cases industrial feed could be directly utilized without purification.
This is based on unprecedented selectivity and robustness using an ancient metabolic process of Archaea microorganisms which has been further optimized in Krajete process. These assets can be quantified and directly translated into a tangible economic customer benefit. It is our competitive advantage!

Please contact us at [email protected] in case you have different CO2 sources for methanation as stand alone component or in a wider context, e.g. within a “power to gas” frame.
Which H2 sources can be used?
Our process can cope with a variety of H2 sources. We have tested pure hydrogen and synthetic H2 containing mixtures. From today`s perspective hydrogen is no issue. In analogy to CO2 it can be stated: the higher the H2 purity the more economical the overall process becomes.
Which experience do you have with industrial gases (real gases)?
We are experienced in sampling, handling and evaluation of real industrial gases. Since 2012 we have been evaluating various industrial CO2 and H2 containing streams. We are familiar with the impurity tolerance of our process, and we can therefore provide the right gas source and composition depending on your needs.

What can be done with the product “methane”?
Our product methane can be used in a number of applications:

Thermal: e.g. heater
Mechanical: e.g. CNG cars
Electric: e.g. combined heat power
Chemical: synthetic building block or intermediate on the way to higher value products
What are preferred H2 sources?
a) Electrolytic hydrogen. Hydrogen from water electrolysis is usually very pure, and it can be directly used for methanation purpose.

b) Syngas mixtures. Hydrogen in syngas and syngas like mixtures arising from pyrolysis or gasification is well tolerated in our process. Mot impurities are well handled in methanogenesis which is a key differentiating feature compared to chemical hydrogenation processes.

Hydrogen is usually a good process fit regardless of its origin and composition.
What are preferred CO2 sources?
Our process can cope with different CO2 sources independent of the CO2 concentration. CO2 can be the major but also a minor component in corresponding gas mixtures.

This circumstance massively reduces the upstream efforts (gas upgrading), consequently a major CAPEX driver can be saved. Nevertheless economic implications of the CO2 concentration in the feed gas are significant. As a rule of thumb it can be stated that higher CO2 concentrations in the feed gas enable economically more viable process solutions. Byproducts in the feed gas which are not CO2, H2 or CH4, need to be removed from the product gas at a later stage unless product purity demands are low.

Therefore best CO2 candidates stem from following sources:
CO2 from fermentation (food industry, chemical industry)
Biogas (independent of its purity, native biogas or cleaned biogas)
Pyrolysis/Gasification Gas mixtures with both CO2 and H2
Combustion (high air concentration)
Combustion (low air concentration)
Are your microbes dangerous?
No. Our microbes stem from a natural environment, they are not genetically manipulated.
What is the process efficiency?
The process efficiency during methanation is close to 83 %. The overall efficiency in a wider context depends on periphery and overall process boundaries.

We have intentionally favoured the biological methanation process over the chemical analog (“Sabatier”, CO2 hydrogenation). Biological processes are in general milder due to lower temperature and low pressure.
Who are your customers?
Our customers usually come from different industrial areas. Their main motivation is to store electricity, convert CO2 or generate CO2 neutral CH4.

Our customers have the following background:

Automotive (international)
Power production (international)
Mechanical (national, international)
Engineering (national)
Steel (international)
Biogas Production (national)
Energy Providers on Municipality Level (national)
Municipalities (national)
What happens to biomass?
Our process does not require classic biomass as substrate for fermentation. Our biomass acts as “living catalyst”. This explains why our process yields comparably low waste biomass.
There are 2 ways of further biomass utilization.
Classic biomass disposal is based on a short air contact. Microbes turn into matter, and they are returned back to Nature.
In case further utilization is required, biomass can be used as biogas substrate or fertilizer which would provide synergies and alternative pathways for value creation.
What does your process need to produce natural gas?
The process is astonishingly sufficient, the only requirements are:

Nutrients, simple
Temperature, redox, pH in the right regime
Bioreactor and periphery
Process automation, therefore little personnel involvement
Technical know-how to operate the process and exploit its advantages such as intermittent operation and selectivity for maximum performance
Since when have you been operating the process?
We started conceptual work in 2007, and we started to produce methane end 2009.

Still have a question?

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